Energy Efficiency Manual Wulfinghoff Pdf To Word

ENERGY EFFICIENCY MANUAL element in an F&T trap wears out more slowly than the element in a thermostatic trap. This is because it remains closed most of the time, opening only when a volume of air accumulates inside the trap. Float traps are vulnerable to dirt. The discharge valve is located near the bottom of the trap, where large.

Contents.Principle When the object of study is an occupied building then reducing energy consumption while maintaining or improving human comfort, health and safety are of primary concern. Beyond simply identifying the sources of energy use, an energy audit seeks to prioritize the energy uses according to the greatest to least cost effective opportunities for energy savings.Home energy audit A home energy audit is a service where the energy efficiency of a house is evaluated by a person using professional equipment (such as and ), with the aim to suggest the best ways to improve energy efficiency in heating and cooling the house.An energy audit of a home may involve recording various characteristics of the including the walls, ceilings, floors, doors, windows, and skylights. For each of these components the area and resistance to heat flow is measured or estimated. The leakage rate or infiltration of air through the building envelope is of concern, both of which are strongly affected by window construction and quality of door seals such as weatherstripping. The goal of this exercise is to quantify the building's overall thermal performance.

The audit may also assess the, physical condition, and programming of such as the heating, ventilation, air conditioning equipment, and thermostat.A home energy audit may include a written report estimating energy use given local criteria, thermostat settings, roof overhang,. This could show energy use for a given time period, say a year, and the impact of any suggested improvements per year. The accuracy of energy estimates are greatly improved when the homeowner's billing history is available showing the quantities of electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, or other energy sources consumed over a one or two-year period.Some of the greatest effects on energy use are user behavior, climate, and age of the home. An energy audit may therefore include an interview of the homeowners to understand their patterns of use over time.

The energy billing history from the local utility company can be calibrated using and data obtained from recent, local weather data in combination with the thermal energy model of the building. Advances in computer-based thermal modeling can take into account many variables affecting energy use.A home energy audit is often used to identify cost effective ways to improve the comfort and efficiency of buildings. In addition, homes may qualify for energy efficiency grants from central government.Recently, the improvement of technology has enabled homeowners to perform relatively sophisticated energy audits of their own homes. This technique has been identified as a method to accelerate improvements. In the United States In the United States, this kind of service can often be facilitated by:. Public utility companies, or their energy conservation department.

Independent, private-sector companies such as energy services company, insulation contractor, or air sealing specialist. (US) State energy office.Utility companies may provide this service, as well as loans and other incentives. Some public utilities offer energy audits as part of a coordinated service to plan or install.

Utilities may also provide incentives to switch, for example, if you are an oil customer considering switching to natural gas.Where to look for insulation recommendations:. Local building inspector’s office. Local or state building codes. US Department of Energy. Your local Builders AssociationResidential energy auditors are accredited by the (BPI) or the Residential Energy Services Network.There are also some simplified tools available, with which a homeowner can quickly assess energy improvement potential. Often these are supplied for free by state agencies or local utilities, who produce a report with estimates of usage by device/area (since they have usage information already).

Examples include the Energy Trust of Oregon program and the Seattle Home Resource Profile. Such programs may also include free.A simple do-it-yourself home energy audit can be performed without using any specialized tools. With an attentive and planned assessment, a homeowner can spot many problems that cause energy losses and make decisions about possible energy efficiency upgrades.

During a home energy audit it is important to have a checklist of areas that were inspected as well as problems identified. Once the audit is completed, a plan for suggested actions needs to be developed.New York City In New York City, local laws such as require buildings larger than 50,000 square feet (4,600 m 2) to have an energy audit once every ten years, as assigned by its parcel number. Energy auditors must be certified to perform this work, although there is no oversight to enforce the rule.

Because Local Law 87 requires a licensed to oversee the work, choosing a well-established engineering firm is the safest route.These laws are the results of New York City's to reduce energy used by buildings, which is the greatest source of pollution in New York City. Some engineering firms provide free energy audits for facilities committed to implementing the energy saving measures found. In Lebanon Since 2002, initiated a nationwide program on energy audits for medium and large consuming facilities.

Renewables as a percent of total installed capacity worldwideNo period is needed after a caption if it is an incomplete sentence. If one or more full sentences follow the incomplete sentence (as a continuing caption or subcaption), each caption (including the opening incomplete sentence) should have a period. Don’t bold subcaptions.

See Figure 2-1 below for an example. Figure 2-1. Photoconductivity spectra of a composite CIS thin film. Inset: the probable energy band diagram.first-person pronounsSee.

Fiscal yearSpell out 'fiscal year' (e.g., Fiscal Year 2006) the first time you use it; after that, you can abbreviate it using two capitals followed by a space before the full year (e.g., FY 2001). FY01 may be used to save space in charts and graphs. On the web, always spell out 'fiscal year.' FootnotesYou can use footnotes to place detailed explanatory or supplementary information at the bottom of a page; use in-text to cite others' works. Use superscript numerals for footnote numbering.

You can also place explanations, details, contradictions, and examples in the text rather than in footnotes. Footnote numbers are printed outside commas and periods but inside colons, semicolons, and dashes.The experiment took place in April, 1 and it was evaluated in May. 2 We discussed these three stages of writing 7: prewriting, writing, and revising.Mark the footnotes to tables in EERE reports with superscript letters: a, b, c, etc. ForewordThe foreword to a book or formal report contains introductory remarks written, and usually signed, by someone other than the author or authors. Brief introductory remarks written by authors are contained in a preface.

FractionsUse words instead of numerals for simple fractions in text.Examples:. a third of the way. one-fifth its actual size. three-fourths of the participantsWrite out complex fractions with numerals separated by a solidus.Examples:. 1/64. 23/32.

5-1/2 days afterward. 2-1/2 times greaterDisplay complex, built-up fractions by centering them vertically between two parts of a paragraph.

Renewable energy certificateDon't capitalize 'renewable energy certificate.' It's not a proper noun. Also, this is the term preferred over 'renewable energy credit' or 'green tags.' Renewable portfolio standardOnly capitalize 'renewable portfolio standard' when a state name precedes it. Renewable energy certificates have been proposed under California Renewable Portfolio Standards.restrictive phrases and clausesDo not use commas around restrictive phrases and clauses. They are essential to the meaning of the sentence, in contrast to, which simply add information that is not essential.Example:.This is the house that Jack built.See also.

Rheology scientific notationStandard scientific notation represents a number as a factor multiplied by a power of 10; 3,560,000 is expressed as 3.56 × 10 6. This is useful for very large and very small numbers, especially in non-SI units.

You can also use certain standard prefixes, many of which are listed here with their abbreviations. 10 24yottaY10 21zettaZ10 18exaE10 15petaP10 12teraT10 9gigaG10 6megaM10 3kilok10 2hectoh10 1dekada10 -1decid10 -2centic10 -3millim10 -6microµ10 -9nanon10 -12picop10 -15femtof10 -18attoa10 -21zeptoz10 -24yoctoyWe recommend choosing a prefix that permits the numerical value to fall between 0.1 and 1,000 (62 kW rather than 62,000 W). SemicolonsSemicolons indicate a stronger or more important break in the flow of words than the break indicated by a comma. Use a semicolon in compound sentences that are NOT linked by a conjunction (such as 'and,' 'but,' 'or,' 'nor,' and 'yet'). Place a semicolon before conjunctive adverbs (such as 'however,' 'hence,' 'therefore,' 'nevertheless,' 'consequently') in most complex sentences containing two or more clauses.

Energy Efficiency Manual Wulfinghoff Pdf To Word

Energy Efficiency Manual Wulfinghoff Pdf To Word Converter

When a sentence contains items in a series, you may use a semicolon between the items if one or more of the items contains commas. Using Semicolons in Compound Sentences Without ConjunctionsWhen clauses in a sentence are closely related in meaning, a semicolon is an appropriate dividing punctuation mark.

Note that the words 'and,' 'but,' 'or,' and 'nor' do not follow semicolons.Example:.It was difficult to reproduce the experiment; the material Smith and Jones used was not widely available. Of the 13 samples, only one did not degrade; others deteriorated an average of 8%.

Using Semicolons With Conjunctive Adverbs'Yet' and 'so' are usually preceded by commas in a complex sentence. 2 kW7 cm 216.8%3 m8-hour days300 Btu5 years$2 billion45°URLsUniform resource locators, or URLs, are essentially web addresses.On websites, URLs should be embedded in text.Example:. More information is available on the.In print, URLs should not be embedded in text. If a URL extends beyond one line of text, add a break at a solidus. Also, in general, you do not need to include the prefix on most URLs - but test it before removing it. Shorten URLs as much as possible (e.g., remove unnecessary trailing such as /index.html) while ensuring functionality.

Department of EnergyThis is the preferred term for printed and electronic outreach materials. When spelling it out, 'U.S.' Should precede 'Department of Energy' to distinguish it from other state and international departments. However, 'U.S.' Should not be included with the acronym 'DOE.' If the possessive is used with the term, the apostrophe should go after 'U.S. Department of Energy' and with the 'DOE' acronym as well.

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However, if you can write it in a way that avoids use of the possessive, that is preferred.Example:. The U.S.

Department of Energy's (DOE's) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is in charge of the program.' Energy Department' may be used as an alternative reference in press releases and other transient communications. watt Web termsThe following words are lowercase:. web. web page (two words). webcast. webinar.

Energy Efficiency Manual Wulfinghoff Pdf To Word Free

webmaster. a proper noun and should be initial-capped. Which and thatStandard American English uses 'which' for nonrestrictive or nondefining phrases and clauses and 'that' for restrictive or defining phrases and clauses. The word 'which' usually signals the approach of added, nonessential information. When a phrase or clause is not essential to the meaning of a sentence, use the relative pronoun 'which' and enclose the phrase or clause in commas. See also and.Example:.This paper, which she has been working on for three weeks, discusses string theory.When a phrase or clause is essential to the meaning of a sentence (that is, the sentence would not make much sense without it), use 'that' and leave out the commas.Example:. The paper that he completed recently will be presented in New York; the paper that he finished last summer will be presented in agreementUse lowercase for 'work-for-others agreement' because it's not a proper noun.

Brooklyn College

The acronym 'WFO' refers only to work for others; therefore, when using the acronym, 'WFO agreement' is correct. World Wide WebTo abbreviate World Wide Web use 'the web,' after writing the name out in full the first time it is mentioned. Years and monthsSee. ZeroFor numbers less than one, place a zero before the decimal.Examples:.

0.5. 0.125. 0.00125zero energy buildingUse the term to indicate an energy-efficient building where, on a source energy basis, the actual annual delivered energy is less than or equal to the on-site renewable exported energy. Similar terms include zero energy campus, zero energy portfolio, and zero energy community.