Install Plesk Migration Manager For Windows

On this screen you can do the following:. Change the source of the installation files.

By default, they aredownloaded from Plesk servers. However, you may want to install froma different server (for example, if you have set up a local mirror),or from the local disk (if you have downloaded the installation filesbeforehand). Change the directory to which the installer will download files(C:ParallelsInstallerparallels by default). Configure the HTTP proxy server address and, if required, usernameand password if the server on which you are installing Plesk isbehind one.

Installing Plesk for Windows Using Installer GUI. Back on the welcome screen, click Install or Upgrade Product to continue. Now, it is time to select the version of Plesk to install. Select the checkbox next to Plesk, and select the desired product version and the installation type from the menu. Plesk Migrator supports migration from the following source platforms: Plesk for Linux and Plesk for Windows 8.6 and later cPanel 11.5 Confixx 3.3 Helm 3.2 Plesk Expand 2.3.2 Parallels Pro Control Panel for Linux 10.3.6.

Install Plesk Migration Manager For Windows Xp

Change the installer interface language.When you are satisfied with the selected options, click Save tocontinue. The installation type determines which Plesk components and featureswill be installed.


The following installation types are available:. The Recommended installation type includes all componentsnecessary for web hosting (including the web server, a mail server, adatabase server, and so on), plus the most popular and widely usedfeatures. If you are unsure what installation type to choose, goingwith Recommended is a safe bet. The Full installation type includes all Plesk components andfeatures. Note that choosing this installation type will require themost disk space. The Custom installation type allows you to pick and choose theitems to install from the list of all available components andfeatures. This installation type is recommended for experienced Pleskadministrators.Do not worry that you might choose an installation type that is notwell-suited for your needs - you will be able to add or remove Pleskcomponents at any time after the installation finishes.

Install Plesk Migration Manager For Windows 8

After you have selected the installation type, you may be prompted toconfigure additional settings, such as the Plesk installation directory,the directory for storing the content of websites hosted in Plesk, andthe password for the Plesk “admin” user (you will log in to Plesk usingthe specified login and password).After configuring the settings, click Continue to begin theinstallation.The installation usually takes between thirty and ninety minutes,depending on the number of components selected for installation,available system resources, and the internet connection speed. After theinstallation is completed, you will need to perform the post-installconfiguration - see the topicfor details. Jdk 6 update 7.