Install Tesseract Ocr Windows


I downloaded executable file of tesseract-OCR and installed it. On the other hand, I also downloaded a zipfile of leptonica from. It includes two directory that is lib and include.Next I tried to do pip install tesserocr in a python virtualenvironment and it returned error tesserocr.cpp(460): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'leptonica/allheaders.h': No such file or directoryI noticed that allheaders.h is in include directory from the leptonica file I downloaded earlier. How do I solve this? Where should I put the directory include and lib I got from leptonica to make this work?Is there any other way to install tesseract-ocr and use tesserocr properly on windows computer? Currently I am using Windows 10 to run my python script that use tesseract-ocr to recognize some character on image.

Install Tesseract On Windows 10

Install Tesseract OCR on our system; Verify the Installation; Writing code to make Tesseract do the work; Testing out Tesseract; Step One – Installing Tesseract OCR. For macOS users, we’ll be using Homebrew to install Tesseract: brew install tesseract. If you’re using the Ubuntu operating system, simply use apt – get to install Tesseract OCR. An unofficial installer for windows for Tesseract 3.05-dev and Tesseract 4.00-dev is available from UB-Mannheim/tesseract. This includes the training tools an installer for the old version 3.02 is available for Windows from official Tesseract tes.

I also plan to run the script on windows 7 computer later.Thank you for your help.