Odd Project The Second Hand Stopped Rare

The Second Hand Stopped Odd Project. Released 2004. The Second Hand Stopped Tracklist. Statistics Like Cigarettes Lyrics. The Phone Is Such A Blunt Object Lyrics. Here at Walmart.com, we are committed to protecting your privacy. Your email address will never be sold or distributed to a third party for any reason. Please take a minute to review our. INFO: From 2004 and now available through RevDistribution is Odd Project's 'The Second Hand Stopped' CD. From the first scream on 'Statistics Like Cigarettes,' to the last piano driven tear on 'Silver Screen Lovers,' Odd Project hit you hard with their ground breaking approach to modern day hardcore metal.

Boasting an ultra-melodic metalcore style all their own, Huntington Beach, CA's Odd Project may just have inaugurated a new subgenre called 'emo metal' with their 2004 debut, The Second Hand Stopped. Indeed, elements of both emo and metal are bridged by hardcore and made readily evident in opener 'Statistics Like Cigarettes,' but the real secret behind additional standouts like 'A Hero's Trial,' 'Tear Stained Lies,' and 'Silver Screen Lovers' is the band's innate ability to mix and match their various components. In effect, this means unexpectedly launching into shockingly violent metal outbursts just when the emo quotient reaches overwhelmingly sentimental levels, and vice versa. Needless to say, the balance to all this is predictably tenuous throughout, and whether it succeeds or fails will ultimately depend on the listener's willingness to be as flexible as the music itself. But, whatever the case, most would agree that Odd Project courts certain disaster by snapping the album's considerable momentum in half with a pompously emotive piano and electric guitar instrumental sappily titled (gulp!) 'Love.'

Still, that potentially dangerous miscalculation aside, The Second Hand Stopped is an irrepressible - and often irresistible - concoction likely to impress, if not instantly convert, members from all camps. Eduardo Rivadavia.

Breast cancer survivors can be affected by a number of health problems, but often a major concern is facing cancer again. Cancer that comes back after treatment is called a recurrence. But some cancer survivors develop a new, unrelated cancer later. This is called a second cancer.Women who’ve had breast cancer can still get other cancers. Although most breast cancer survivors don’t get cancer again, they are at higher risk for getting some types of cancer, including:.

A second breast cancer (This is different from the first cancer coming back.). Salivary gland cancer. Esophagus cancer. Stomach cancer.

Colon cancer. Uterine cancer. Ovarian cancer. Thyroid cancer. Soft tissue cancer (sarcoma).

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Melanoma of the skin. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML)The most common second cancer in breast cancer survivors is another breast cancer. The new cancer can occur in the opposite breast, or in the same breast for women who were treated with (such as a lumpectomy). Cancers linked to genetic factorsFor some second cancers, shared may play a role. For example, women with mutations in one of the BRCA genes have an increased risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and some other cancers.

Cancers linked to radiation treatmentLung cancer: The risk of lung cancer is higher in women who had after a mastectomy as part of their treatment. The risk is even higher in women who smoke. The risk does not seem to be increased in women who have radiation therapy to the breast after a lumpectomy.Sarcoma: Radiation therapy to the breast also increases the risk of sarcomas of blood vessels (angiosarcomas), bone (osteosarcomas), and other connective tissues in areas that were treated. Overall, this risk is low.Certain blood cancers: Breast radiation is linked to a higher risk of leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Overall, though, this risk is low.

Cancers linked to chemotherapyThere is a small increased risk of developing leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome after receiving certain (chemo) drugs for early breast cancer. The risk is higher if both chemo and radiation therapy are given. Cancers linked to treatment with tamoxifenTaking lowers the chance of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer coming back. It also lowers the risk of a second breast cancer. Tamoxifen does, however, increase the risk for uterine cancer (endometrial cancer and uterine sarcoma). Still, the overall risk of uterine cancer in most women taking tamoxifen is low, and studies have shown that the benefits of this drug in treating breast cancer are greater than the risk of a second cancer. Follow-up after breast cancer treatmentIf you have completed treatment for breast cancer, you should still see your doctor regularly to look for signs that the cancer has come back.

If you have not had both breasts removed, you need annual mammograms to look for breast cancer (either a recurrence of the cancer or a new breast cancer). See for more on the types of tests you might need after treatment.You should also follow the such as those for colorectal cancer and cervical cancer. Screening tests can often find these cancers early, when they are likely to be easier to treat. In some cases, the tests might even help prevent these cancers if pre-cancers are found and treated. For women who have had breast cancer, most experts do not recommend any additional testing to look for second cancers unless you have symptoms.Let your doctor know about any new symptoms or problems, because they could be caused by the breast cancer coming back or by a new disease or second cancer. For example, abnormal menstrual bleeding, such as bleeding or spotting after menopause or between periods, can be a symptom of uterine cancer. Can I lower my risk of getting a second cancer?There's no sure way to prevent all cancers, but there are steps you can take to lower your risk and stay as healthy as possible.

Appointment booking pro coupon. Getting the recommended early detection tests, as mentioned above, is one way to do this.It’s also important to. Smoking increases the risk of many cancers, including some of the second cancers seen after breast cancer.To help maintain good health, breast cancer survivors should also:.

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Get to and stay at a healthy weight. Keep physically active. Eat a healthy diet, with an emphasis on plant foods.

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Limit alcohol to no more than 1 drink per dayThese steps may also lower the risk of some other health problems. To learn more, see the.See for more information about causes of second cancers. Bertelsen L, Mellemkjaer L, Christensen J, Rawal R, Olsen JH. Age-specific incidence of breast cancer in breast cancer survivors and their first-degree relatives.

2009;20:175-180.Boice JD Jr, Harvey EB, Blettner M, Stovall M, Flannery JT. Cancer in the contralateral breast after radiotherapy for breast cancer. N Engl J Med.

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1992;326:781-785.Brown LM, Chen BE, Pfeiffer RM, et al. Risk of second non-hematological malignancies among 376,825 breast cancer survivors.

Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2007;106:439-451.Curtis RE, Ron E, Hankey BF, Hoover RN.

New Malignancies Following Breast Cancer. In: Curtis RE, Freedman DM, Ron E, Ries LAG, Hacker DG, Edwards BK, Tucker MA, Fraumeni JF Jr. New Malignancies Among Cancer Survivors: SEER Cancer Registries, 1973-2000. National Cancer Institute. Bethesda, MD, 2006. Accessed at on August 6, 2019.Rock CL, Doyle C, Demark-Wahnefried W, et al. Nutrition and physical activity guidelines for cancer survivors.

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CA Cancer J Clin. 2012;62:243-274.Smith RE, Bryant J, DeCillis A, Anderson S. Acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome after doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide adjuvant therapy for operable breast cancer: The National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project Experience. J Clin Oncol. 20-1204.Wolff AC, Blackford AL, Visvanathan K, et al. Risk of marrow neoplasms after adjuvant breast cancer therapy: The National Comprehensive Cancer Network experience.

J Clin Oncol.