Deathwatch The Outer Reach Pdf Printer

Madec was not the kind of man Ben would ordinarily have chosen as a companion for a quiet hunting trip. The only time Madec ever laughed was when he told some story about how smart he was. He was a cold man who liked to hurt things and he was dangerous with a gun.

But Ben needed money to pay for another semester at college, and so when Madec offered to hire him as a guide Madec was not the kind of man Ben would ordinarily have chosen as a companion for a quiet hunting trip. The only time Madec ever laughed was when he told some story about how smart he was. He was a cold man who liked to hurt things and he was dangerous with a gun. But Ben needed money to pay for another semester at college, and so when Madec offered to hire him as a guide to hunt bighorn sheep in the desert mountains, he agreed.

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It was a mistake that very nearly cost Ben his life. This book was ok. It wasn't really that interesting and I swear I might've fallen asleep. It looked really good from the back and the reviews it got on the inside cover. But, I was disappointed. There really aren't that many great or intense moments in it.

Then you got to listen to the same thing over and over again for at least five chapters after they got back into town. That's what I think of it.This book is about Ben, a college-aged boy who needs money for college. He's This book was ok. It wasn't really that interesting and I swear I might've fallen asleep. It looked really good from the back and the reviews it got on the inside cover. But, I was disappointed.

There really aren't that many great or intense moments in it. Then you got to listen to the same thing over and over again for at least five chapters after they got back into town. That's what I think of it.This book is about Ben, a college-aged boy who needs money for college.

He's hired by a wealthy business man to hunt bighorn in the desert. This man, Madec, accidentally shoots an old man. While Ben is working to get the old man in the Jeep, Madec makes it look like Ben shot the old man. He then tries to bribe Ben into not saying anything about the prospector. Madec makes Ben strip down and walk 45 miles out into the desert without any food or water.Ben walks and walks until finally, he sees a butte. He climbs it and goes into a tunnel where he finds water. He uses a slingshot he found to kill a couple of birds.

He decides he has to get the upper hand on Madec. So, that night, he uses the slingshot tubes to bury himself in the sand. He shoots Madec and drives into town.In the town, no one believes him and he is put on trial. Luckily, Madec left one loose string out of his story and Ben is not convicted. The end.of this sorta lame story.

I like the book 'Deathwatch'. It was a great thriller. It is a book about a guy that goes hunting with a man and ends up trying to kill one another.In the book a man names Medec is hunting with a high school hunting guide named Ben.

Medec thinks he has a clear shot at a longhorn sheep. He really shot an old man that was in the mountains where they were hunting. Ben says that should go back to town and tell the truth about the dead old man but Medec thinks differently so he takes away I like the book 'Deathwatch'.

It was a great thriller. It is a book about a guy that goes hunting with a man and ends up trying to kill one another.In the book a man names Medec is hunting with a high school hunting guide named Ben. Medec thinks he has a clear shot at a longhorn sheep. He really shot an old man that was in the mountains where they were hunting.

Ben says that should go back to town and tell the truth about the dead old man but Medec thinks differently so he takes away all of Ben's clothes and makes him try to survive.Ben then runs away and tried to survive in the desert.I would recommend the book to an high school ages boy because there is parts that could be scary for younger kids.Four out of five star rating. Robb White, Deathwatch (Doubleday, 1972)When I was a kid- say, from about three years old until high school- I did a lot more rereading than I do now. In fact, there were some books I read and re-read so much that I ended up having to buy copies to replace those I'd worn down. I think everyone does this with a kids' picture book or two, but there were three novels I did it with in fifth and sixth grade.

One of them was Wilson Rawls'. I think I went through three Robb White, Deathwatch (Doubleday, 1972)When I was a kid- say, from about three years old until high school- I did a lot more rereading than I do now. In fact, there were some books I read and re-read so much that I ended up having to buy copies to replace those I'd worn down. I think everyone does this with a kids' picture book or two, but there were three novels I did it with in fifth and sixth grade. One of them was Wilson Rawls'. I think I went through three copies of that one. The other two were by Robb White, and they were Up Periscope and Deathwatch.

When you're ten years old, this is just about the best thing ever. When you're thirty-nine, not so much, but it didn't lose nearly as much impact as I expected it to reading it all these years later.The story: a local boy named Ben, looking to make money for college, offers to escort a city-dweller named Madec on a bighorn hunt. As the book opens, Madec claims to see horns over a ridge. Madec takes the shot anyway. When they get there and find out when Madec really shot, the two get into the kind of argument that has Madec forcing Ben to try and survive in the desert with no clothing, no food and no water.It's the little details that give White's writing the power it has. Even all these years later, I still remembered the smeared-lipstick passage with almost perfect clarity, and the “bird guano” passages. (This was my first exposure to the word “guano” and I had to look it up.) The story definitely pushes the limits of disbelief- a dehydrated, hallucinating Ben is capable of pulling off physical feats that would try the abilities of an athlete in a number of passages- but the pacing, the character development (impressive that other characters get development when Ben takes center stage most of the time), and description are dead-on.

I'm not quite as obsessed with it as I was when I was ten, but it's still a cracking good read. A classic YA novel that was groundbreaking when it was released. A young man finds himself being hunted by a homicidal individual because he won't help cover up what is essentially a manslaughter. The story is short and simple as he uses his knowledge of the desert to outmaneuver the villain and survive. The story than wraps up with a legal conclusion reasserting the triumph of collective civilization over the rich and arrogant antagonist.In 2017 younger readers will find it nothing unusual (pe A classic YA novel that was groundbreaking when it was released. A young man finds himself being hunted by a homicidal individual because he won't help cover up what is essentially a manslaughter. The story is short and simple as he uses his knowledge of the desert to outmaneuver the villain and survive.

The story than wraps up with a legal conclusion reasserting the triumph of collective civilization over the rich and arrogant antagonist.In 2017 younger readers will find it nothing unusual (perhaps), but in 1973 this was a very unusual novel to aim at younger readers. YA novels didn't cover such gritty material and rarely were the young protagonists put in mortal jeopardy (more often than not an adult/authority figure would eventually come along and make things right) and have to rely on their own abilities to survive. However by the early seventies the 'world' was showing up every night,at dinnertime, in the form of the evening news. War, terrorism, rapidly increasing crime rate, political corruption and so on had just become part of the evening's entertainment. Kids weren't stupid - they knew what was going on in the world. I suppose it made sense to publish YA novels that were grittier (i.e.

Violent and grim) and 'Deathwatch' was one of the first.' Deathwatch' is a pretty good novel. This type of story (lone hero in the wilderness on the run from villains) was pretty popular in the sixties and seventies. It was damn near a genre.

Robb White simply wrote one for the kids and he didn't do a bad job. Give it a try if for no other reason than it was one of the first 'adult' YA novels that led us to where we are now. I'm interested to see how my seventh and eighth grade students will react to this book in 2013-2014.

It was written in the 70s, and the last time I read it was in the 90s, when it was assigned reading for eighth grade English students in my fieldwork school. For fans of survival stories (most of my current students would think of Gary Paulsen's Hatchet), I think this one will still work, even though there is not a cell phone to be seen in it. When Ben takes cold, scheming California businessman, I'm interested to see how my seventh and eighth grade students will react to this book in 2013-2014. It was written in the 70s, and the last time I read it was in the 90s, when it was assigned reading for eighth grade English students in my fieldwork school.

For fans of survival stories (most of my current students would think of Gary Paulsen's Hatchet), I think this one will still work, even though there is not a cell phone to be seen in it. When Ben takes cold, scheming California businessman, Madec into the desert to hunt a bighorn sheep, he ends up 45 miles from the nearest town, naked, without food or water, and at the end of Madec's.358 Magnum. If it were a story merely about surviving the heat without dehydrating, and finding food and shelter, it would be interesting, but the addition of being hunted adds significantly to the suspense - and there is more that Ben must endure beyond surviving adverse conditions and being hunted. I mostly liked the story, but there are a few spots where the action lags - most notably at the beginning of the book where White describes the geologic and evolutionary history of the desert in a bit more detail than is necessary (and I admit to wondering how creationists would respond to the timeline presented here), and there are a few descriptions of how Ben climbs a butte that I cannot quite visualize. I read this in 6th grade and I remembered two main things about it a) i had read it in one sitting and found it super compelling and action packed b) the main boy was totally naked about it, which aa) gave 6th grade Colleen the giggles and bb) I blame this book and my overactive imagination for me becoming boy crazy. Rereading this as an adult (a no longer boy crazy one) I find it hysterical that my first literary crush was so bland and stuck in such a 'meh' book.

Sure it had it's moments but I I read this in 6th grade and I remembered two main things about it a) i had read it in one sitting and found it super compelling and action packed b) the main boy was totally naked about it, which aa) gave 6th grade Colleen the giggles and bb) I blame this book and my overactive imagination for me becoming boy crazy. Rereading this as an adult (a no longer boy crazy one) I find it hysterical that my first literary crush was so bland and stuck in such a 'meh' book.

Sure it had it's moments but I was rather bored through most of it, which is odd considering it's a book about a man hunting a teenage boy in the dessert and how he survives. Probably won't be re-re-reading this anytime soon. This is the book that I read in the seventh grade that made me want to be a criminal prosecuting lawyer! I can't believe that I forgot it (thankyou Tara for reading it)!! We read it as a class and didn't read the last chapter. We put on a mock trial with the two main characters as prosecution and defense cilents.

I was one of the prosecution lawyers. In the history of the seventh grade english teachers doing this activity with their classes the prosecution never won the case.

Until felt This is the book that I read in the seventh grade that made me want to be a criminal prosecuting lawyer! I can't believe that I forgot it (thankyou Tara for reading it)!! We read it as a class and didn't read the last chapter. We put on a mock trial with the two main characters as prosecution and defense cilents. I was one of the prosecution lawyers. In the history of the seventh grade english teachers doing this activity with their classes the prosecution never won the case. Until felt good.

Madec was not the kind of man Ben would ordinarily have chosen as a companion for a quiet hunting trip. The only time Madec ever laughed was when he told some story about how smart he was. He was a cold man who liked to hurt things and he was dangerous with a gun. But Ben needed money to pay for another semester at college, and so when Madec offered to hire him as a guide to hunt bighorn sheep in the desert mountains, he agreed. It was a mistake that very nearly cost Ben his life.

The thing I li Madec was not the kind of man Ben would ordinarily have chosen as a companion for a quiet hunting trip. The only time Madec ever laughed was when he told some story about how smart he was.

Deathwatch The Outer Reach Pdf Printer

He was a cold man who liked to hurt things and he was dangerous with a gun. But Ben needed money to pay for another semester at college, and so when Madec offered to hire him as a guide to hunt bighorn sheep in the desert mountains, he agreed.

It was a mistake that very nearly cost Ben his life. The thing I liked about the book was the constant suspense not knowing if Ben was to get shot by Madec at any point. This added to the feeling of constant relief and stress. What I disliked about the book was that it made Ben seem helpless.

Yes, he was being hunted by a man known for his tracking skills and hunting abilities, however every time Ben seemed to have an upper hand, Madec would be right there waiting with his gun. It seemed too like too much power was being put on Madec.

Overall, I give the book a 4 out of 5. The book itself was a very thought out story, and I am a sucker for suspense and thrill. Deathwatch is a very good book overall, and I recommend it for anyone seeking a human being hunted thriller with a lot of suspense. Student Name: Caleb Thayer Date Submitted: 4/3/2019Book Title: Deathwatch Lexile:900Personal Response: Deathwatch, in my opinion, is one of the better books I have read over the school year.

The ending, on the other hand, wasn't that great compared to the rest of the book. Other than the ending, I really enjoyed reading this book.Plot: The plot to Deathwatch is that Ben and Madec go out into the desert to hunt bighorn. Although one day Madec said he saw a bighorn, but instead he shot an innocent prospectorStudent Name: Caleb ThayerDate Submitted: 4/3/2019Book Title: DeathwatchLexile:900Personal Response: Deathwatch, in my opinion, is one of the better books I have read over the school year. The ending, on the other hand, wasn't that great compared to the rest of the book. Other than the ending, I really enjoyed reading this book.Plot: The plot to Deathwatch is that Ben and Madec go out into the desert to hunt bighorn. Although one day Madec said he saw a bighorn, but instead he shot an innocent prospector in the desert.

Madec then points his gun at Ben tells him to take his clothes off and walk all the way back to town, except Madec would be hunting him.Recommendation: I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a suspenseful action book. I would also recommend this to anyone who enjoys realistic books. All in all Deathwatch is a great book and people should read it. Deathwatch is told from the perspective of a college student named Ben. Ben lives with his uncle in a small town in the desert. When Ben is approached by a Los Angeles business man named Madec.

Madec is a long time big game hunter and wants Ben to guide him through the desert to hunt bighorn sheep. He offers Ben enough money to carry him through the rest of college.

Ben accepts and they begin their trek through the desert. Six days into their trip, Madec says he saw horns while stalking a group Deathwatch is told from the perspective of a college student named Ben. Ben lives with his uncle in a small town in the desert. When Ben is approached by a Los Angeles business man named Madec.

Madec is a long time big game hunter and wants Ben to guide him through the desert to hunt bighorn sheep. He offers Ben enough money to carry him through the rest of college.

Ben accepts and they begin their trek through the desert. Six days into their trip, Madec says he saw horns while stalking a group of bighorns. He mistakenly shoots an old man, presumably a prospector. Madec tells Ben that if they go back to report the accident his permit to hunt will run out of days, and he offers him even more money, and an opportunity to work with one of the biggest oil companies. Ben however, being an independent youth, refuses his offer. He proceeds to bring their jeep up the slope to load the old man in. It all goes terribly wrong when Madec forces him out of his clothes and boots, exposing him to the elements completely.

Madec tracks him all through the desert until finally Ben starts showing symptoms of extreme thirst. He manages to climb a butte and finds a puddle of water, and birds. He uses the slingshot he found in the old mans camp to kill them, and he eats them. He can finally start fighting back. Madec starts to climb the butte, and this spurs Ben into action.

One night while Madec is sleeping he climbs down the butte and uses the tubing from the sling shot to make a breathing and a hearing tube. He buries himself in the sand, and waited til Madec started to climb the butte again. When he hears Madec climbing he jumps out of the sand and torches his tent. When Madec comes running, Ben shoots him with doublo-o-buckshot from the slingshot. He shot him four times, three at his hands and one at his knee.

After getting his clothes back, he ties Madec up and goes to find the old man. After that, they head back into town where no one believes Ben, and when Ben is put on trial for murder, he loses all hope.

That is until the doctor that examined the old mans body, Madec, and Ben himself shows up with evidence that proving that Madec was to blame, not Ben. This ends the trial, and Ben is given the option to charge Madec with attempted murder, but says 'I only came to report an accident.' And the book ends.

I loved this book, it was chock full of adventure, peril, and even a little insight on how the desert really works. I would definitely recommend it to people who don't mind a little gore. The author does kind of go into detail about wounds. My favorite line was the one I mentioned a few sentences ago. Despite all that Ben has been through with Madec, he refuses to stoop as low as Madec.

Could you imagine trying to survive in the desert with no clothes or shoes, and having a man trying to kill you? Ben, the main character of the book, is doing just that. Ben is struggling with having no water to drink and has an idea to climb a butte to a tunnel that will get him out of the sun and provide him with food.The main characters of this book are Ben and Madec. Ben is a young college kid who needs money to continue on with his studies. Madec is a high paying hunter who has a once in Could you imagine trying to survive in the desert with no clothes or shoes, and having a man trying to kill you? Ben, the main character of the book, is doing just that.

Ben is struggling with having no water to drink and has an idea to climb a butte to a tunnel that will get him out of the sun and provide him with food.The main characters of this book are Ben and Madec. Ben is a young college kid who needs money to continue on with his studies.

Madec is a high paying hunter who has a once in a lifetime chance at shooting a big horned sheep. This story takes place in the middle of the desert. Ben struggles to survive with no clothes and has nothing to defend himself from Madec, who is trying to get rid of Ben because he witnessed him kill an old man that no one knows.

Ben is struggling to get away from Madec and the question throughout the book is if he will be able to. The main character learns in the book that, if you tell the truth, good things will happen to you in the end. Sometimes in life it is better to do the right thing than selling your morals for money.I wanted to read this book because I love to hunt and being a hunting guide is a dream of mine.

This book reminds me of going on hunting trips with my dad. My dad and I are always going on hunting trips together, it is safe to say that he is my hunting buddy. We have gone on hunting trips since I was about a year old.

I can’t imagine hunting without him.If you are interested in books that have to do with the outdoors and hunting, this is a book for you. This is a book that is hard to put down as it keeps you entertained throughout the entire book. This book is aimed at people who like adventures and can understand how deadly the outdoors can be when you aren’t prepared. I also think that anyone who enjoys a thrill of a read would truly enjoy this book. Deathwatch is the ultimate survival story. Ben, the protagonist, is a college student who needs money for another semester, so he takes a job as a guide in the desert. He goes out on a bighorn sheep hunt with Madec.

Madec thinks he sees a bighorn, so he shoots. It turns out it was not a bighorn, but instead an old man wondering the desert alone. Ben wants to report the accident, but Madec wants to bury the old man and carry on hunting. As the plot progresses, Madec threatens to shoot Ben and for Deathwatch is the ultimate survival story. Ben, the protagonist, is a college student who needs money for another semester, so he takes a job as a guide in the desert.

He goes out on a bighorn sheep hunt with Madec. Madec thinks he sees a bighorn, so he shoots. It turns out it was not a bighorn, but instead an old man wondering the desert alone. Ben wants to report the accident, but Madec wants to bury the old man and carry on hunting. As the plot progresses, Madec threatens to shoot Ben and forces him to take off his clothes. Madec leaves Ben stranded in the desert: no clothes, food, or water. The nearest highway is 45 miles away across the dangerously dry, desolate desert.

It is impossible for Ben to travel any significant distance without shoes or water. Ben needs to think of a plan to over throw Madec at his camp, before his 48 hours are up and he succumbs to deadly dehydration.Sometimes in life people are unusually cruel to others.

This is shown through the relationship between Madec and Ben. I selected to read this book because I thought the cover of the book looked intriguing and I have always enjoyed survival books. Robb White, author of Deathwatch, went above and beyond my expectations for this book. I thought this book would be another stereotypical survival story, but Robb White really brought Ben’s struggle for survival to life through Ben’s emotions and injuries.

This book is certainly not for anyone who dislikes reading about blood and wounds. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a different type of survival story: a story with mystery and a crime. This book is about a rich executive, Madec, from Los Angeles who hires a young college student named Ben who lives in a small town on the outskirts of the Mojave Desert, as a guide. Madec just received an admit to hunt bighorn sheep in this desert, and Ben is helping by driving him around the desert, to help find these bighorn.Madec, who thought he was shooting at a bighorn, had accidently shot an old prospector. When Ben attempts in doing the right thing by reporting the accident, Madec disagr This book is about a rich executive, Madec, from Los Angeles who hires a young college student named Ben who lives in a small town on the outskirts of the Mojave Desert, as a guide.

Madec just received an admit to hunt bighorn sheep in this desert, and Ben is helping by driving him around the desert, to help find these bighorn.Madec, who thought he was shooting at a bighorn, had accidently shot an old prospector. When Ben attempts in doing the right thing by reporting the accident, Madec disagrees, and forces Ben to strip down to his shorts and tells him to walk across the desert to the highway. Ben then, not wanting to get shot by the old man, decides to do what he says. After days and days of Madec constantly stalking him, Ben finally gets an idea that will hopefully gain Ben the upper hand on Madec.My favorite part in the book was when Ben kept getting interrogated by the sheriff and other officers. I liked I because you knew that Ben was telling the truth about what had happened in the desert, and you knew that Madec was lying about it.

You just wanted to crawl yourself into the book and tell them that Madec was making his story up and that Ben was being truthful.If you enjoyed the Percy Jackson series, then I would like to personally suggest reading Deathwatch. If you think about it, these two books aren't too different. Deathwatch is definitely worth the read!!! Name: Parker GroskreutzBook title: DeathwatchPersonal Response: To me, Deathwatch was a very boring book to read.

The book was mostly about two characters that did nothing exciting except try to stay alive. I couldn't really understand what was happening in the book because at one point they were hunting to then killing someone.Plot Summary: The two main characters were Ben and Madec, Ben was the hunting guide and Madec was the one with the gun. When Ben went out in the desert, he d Name: Parker GroskreutzBook title: DeathwatchPersonal Response: To me, Deathwatch was a very boring book to read. The book was mostly about two characters that did nothing exciting except try to stay alive. I couldn't really understand what was happening in the book because at one point they were hunting to then killing someone.Plot Summary: The two main characters were Ben and Madec, Ben was the hunting guide and Madec was the one with the gun.

When Ben went out in the desert, he didn’t know what he was getting into. Madec first shot a bighorn sheep that was too small for him then shot an old man that was hiking.

Ben told Madec that he would have to bring him in but Madec told him he's making a mistake and offered him ten thousand dollars. Ben did not accept the money so Madec aimed the gun at him and told him to take off all his clothes and start walking back knowing he wouldn't make it.

Ben did as told and started walking. He found a waterhole and a slingshot and went back at Madec. Ben shot at Madec with buckshot and broke his arm and hand to later throw him in the car and take him in.Recommendation: I recommend this book to anyone who likes action. If you like to read a long book that comes boring at times then this is the book for you.

If you like books with murder in it then read this book. Somehow, regardless of my years of reading and teaching YA literature, I managed to miss Robb White's survival story, Deathwatch. The only reason it wound up on my Nook is because my incoming 10th grade students have to read it over their summer vacation.Survival and action are not my genres (along with sic-fi and fantasy), but I was intrigued by the man vs wild and man vs man story line.

Furthermore, the cat and mouse game between Ben, a college bound teenager, and Madec, acrooked businessman Somehow, regardless of my years of reading and teaching YA literature, I managed to miss Robb White's survival story, Deathwatch. The only reason it wound up on my Nook is because my incoming 10th grade students have to read it over their summer vacation.Survival and action are not my genres (along with sic-fi and fantasy), but I was intrigued by the man vs wild and man vs man story line. Furthermore, the cat and mouse game between Ben, a college bound teenager, and Madec, acrooked businessman from LA, was quite suspenseful. Just when the Ben seems to be on top, moreover, the story takes another unfortunate twist.I am curious to hear what my students have to say about this novel come September. Several years ago I read Touching Spirit Bear with the same group of students, and they were quite responsive to Ben Mikaelson's classic.

I expect the reviews to be positive, especially from boys.Hence, I would recommend this book to anybody who enjoys action, survival and coming of age stories. Additionally, I am thinking this might be a good book for a a boy who is a reluctant reader.

I recently finished Deathwatch by Robb White. It takes place in the Mojave Desert. I usually hate books I am assigned to read, and this one is no exception. This book was flat-out terrible.

There are only two characters, Ben and Madec, and the main, and only, problem is that Ben is trying to survive in the desert with just nothing. Nothing to make the story interesting, nothing to have it be gripping, just nothing. Basically the whole idea was that Madec accidentally shot a guy, mistaki I recently finished Deathwatch by Robb White. It takes place in the Mojave Desert. I usually hate books I am assigned to read, and this one is no exception.

This book was flat-out terrible. There are only two characters, Ben and Madec, and the main, and only, problem is that Ben is trying to survive in the desert with just nothing. Nothing to make the story interesting, nothing to have it be gripping, just nothing. Basically the whole idea was that Madec accidentally shot a guy, mistaking it for a bighorn sheep. After that, Ben wanted to report the accident to the sheriff and Madec decided to make him leave everything there and tell them himself. Ben doesn't have a choice, so he does by finding a little bit of water to drink (and when he did, Madec shot at him to keep him away from it), so he found more water on a cliff side, realizes Madec is coming up, slips to the bottom in the middle of the night, causes a distraction to make him run back to his camp, shoots him with a slingshot, and reports the incident.

The people I would suggest this to are the people who like survival. If you don't like survival, don't read this book. Joyce BakerAdventureBen, a 22 year old college student, was a hunting guide to a man named Madec. Madec claimed he wanted to catch a bighorn sheep.

Instead Madec “accidentally” shot an old man and tried to hide him from Ben. Ben stumbled across the body and wanted to report it to the sheriff. Madec did not agree. He had Ben strip down, and he hoped 48 hours without food, clothes, and water will kill Ben. Despite all, Ben is determined to stay alive.Ben relied on his Joyce BakerAdventureBen, a 22 year old college student, was a hunting guide to a man named Madec.

Madec claimed he wanted to catch a bighorn sheep. Instead Madec “accidentally” shot an old man and tried to hide him from Ben. Ben stumbled across the body and wanted to report it to the sheriff.

Madec did not agree. He had Ben strip down, and he hoped 48 hours without food, clothes, and water will kill Ben. Despite all, Ben is determined to stay alive.Ben relied on his wit and skills to stay alive in the desert. He was finally able to outwit Madecor at least he thought so.

Back in town, Ben’s story sounded fantastical and no one believed him. Ben is charged with felony aggravated assault. The new doctor testimony helped Ben’s story. His uncle, along with others, was embarrassed by their behavior.I LOVED this book. It was as poor Ben could not catch a break. Everyone believed Madec as his story was more plausible. When everyone started to believe Ben, Ben still maintained the shooting was an “accident”.

I liked Ben because he was able to keep his character no matter how events were stacked against him. A boy named Ben is trying to go to college,but he does not have enough money for the nextsemester. A man named Matec hired Ben to be hishunting guide for big horn sheep in the desertmountains. Once they get up to the mountainsMatecs suits up old man, He says that he mistakedhim for a sheep. When Ben tries to get help Matecgets mad and threatens to kill him. Ben has to tryand survive hiding from attic in the mountainswith no food or water.I do not think this book was made i A boy named Ben is trying to go to college,but he does not have enough money for the nextsemester. A man named Matec hired Ben to be hishunting guide for big horn sheep in the desertmountains.

Once they get up to the mountainsMatecs suits up old man, He says that he mistakedhim for a sheep. When Ben tries to get help Matecgets mad and threatens to kill him. Ben has to tryand survive hiding from attic in the mountainswith no food or water.I do not think this book was made into amovie.

If it was I have not seen it.I would recommend this book to othersbecause it is good thrill seeking adventurous book.The offer did an amazing job on the characters, theinteresting plot and the descriptive setting. I thinksome of the weaknesses were that he did not doenough run out at the end of the book. The authorswriting style was good and easy to comprehend. If Iwere to change something in the smoke I think Iwould add a little bit more action. I think this bookis good for the age range from 12 to 18. The book, Deathwatch by Robb White, is about a man named Ben who takes a man named Madec on a Bighorn hunt.

Due to a seires of misfortunes, Ben is now naked in the desert with no food or water and he is being hunted by a madman.I rated the book as I did because it was very suspenseful and it had very believable characters. The plot had all kinds of twists and turns that kept you interested.

Deathwatch The Outer Reach Pdf Printer Machine

A reader could become absorbed into Ben's struggle for survival. The book has both strenghts and weakness The book, Deathwatch by Robb White, is about a man named Ben who takes a man named Madec on a Bighorn hunt.

Due to a seires of misfortunes, Ben is now naked in the desert with no food or water and he is being hunted by a madman.I rated the book as I did because it was very suspenseful and it had very believable characters. The plot had all kinds of twists and turns that kept you interested.

A reader could become absorbed into Ben's struggle for survival. The book has both strenghts and weaknesses. The strenghts are the suspensful plot and the very detailed discription of the settings and characters fellings.

However, I think sometimes in the book, the author would draw out what was happening to such a certain extent that you could get confused about what was happening. For example, there is one part in the book where Ben is walking and the author contines to go on about how the rocks were formed millions of years ago where he now stands. I feel that can get both confusing and off topic. I would read another book by Robb White because all and all he is a very talented writer. Great little book, but only little in physical size.

A teenage boy is set in the desert, naked, without shoes, water, food or any other resources while a man hunts him down. The set-up to this scenario is brilliant, and highly probable. The writing is sparse, clean, riveting. The descriptions of how the boy survives as he outwits and outmaneuvers the man hunting him is excellently done. And the kid is no superhero; he makes mistakes.I read this all in one day as it's a short novel, but a worthw Great little book, but only little in physical size. A teenage boy is set in the desert, naked, without shoes, water, food or any other resources while a man hunts him down. The set-up to this scenario is brilliant, and highly probable.

The writing is sparse, clean, riveting. The descriptions of how the boy survives as he outwits and outmaneuvers the man hunting him is excellently done. And the kid is no superhero; he makes mistakes.I read this all in one day as it's a short novel, but a worthwhile one. Once I got into it, could not pause to read anything else. (I usually book hop from book to book when I read, reading up to five or six at a time.) But I put all else aside for this book.It's short, compact, and packs a nice little wallop. A great read for a train or plane ride, or if you don't get motion sickness, a long car trip in the back seat with some chips and a drink nearby.I will read more by this author.

This was a very well written book. The setting is in a desert with two guys named Ben and Madec. The action from this book just kept pulling me into it just like it pulled my friend in. My friend explained how I really needed to read this book.

So I gave it a shot. I read that they were suppose to go hunting, but then I ended up finding out there was a plot twist.

Madec started hunting Ben down surprisingly. I thought author did a very good job of describing what was happening and explained the This was a very well written book. The setting is in a desert with two guys named Ben and Madec. The action from this book just kept pulling me into it just like it pulled my friend in. My friend explained how I really needed to read this book.

So I gave it a shot. I read that they were suppose to go hunting, but then I ended up finding out there was a plot twist. Madec started hunting Ben down surprisingly. I thought author did a very good job of describing what was happening and explained the surrounding scenery vividly.

You could just picture everything so gracefully and meaningfully. I would suggest this book to anyone that liked adventure, survival, and plot twist books.

My friend recomended it to me and I feel like you too should read it! I read this book about fifteen years ago in school, and I remember enjoying it.

I just read it again with my wife, and we loved it. Deathwatch is an action-packed book about right and wrong, integrity and guile, and survival.The geological descriptions help paint a vivid picture of the California desert, the rugged setting for this gripping story.This story is a reminder that sometimes bad things happen to good people.

That doesn't make it okay to become a bad person, eve I read this book about fifteen years ago in school, and I remember enjoying it. I just read it again with my wife, and we loved it. Deathwatch is an action-packed book about right and wrong, integrity and guile, and survival.The geological descriptions help paint a vivid picture of the California desert, the rugged setting for this gripping story.This story is a reminder that sometimes bad things happen to good people.

That doesn't make it okay to become a bad person, even if the result of such action is fairer than the consequence of doing the right thing. Most of the time, though, if you do the right thing, it will pay off. Definitely read this book to see if it pays off for Ben, the hard-working college student who's facing a life or death moral dilema. Deathwatchis a good, solid juvenile suspense novel, In fact, it won the Edgar Award for best juvenile mystery in 1973. The copy I read was grabbed from my classroom library, and it originally came from a stack of discarded books I rescued from the library of the high school where I teach.

Reading it reminded me of why I liked Robb White so much when I read Secret Sea, Up Periscope, and The Survivor back in the fifth and sixth grades. Oddly enough, my freshman English students had just last week read 'The Most Dangerous Game.' No Deathwatchis a good, solid juvenile suspense novel, In fact, it won the Edgar Award for best juvenile mystery in 1973. The copy I read was grabbed from my classroom library, and it originally came from a stack of discarded books I rescued from the library of the high school where I teach. Reading it reminded me of why I liked Robb White so much when I read Secret Sea, Up Periscope, and The Survivor back in the fifth and sixth grades. Oddly enough, my freshman English students had just last week read 'The Most Dangerous Game.'

Now I can steer any student who wants more of the same sort of story to this little gem. Imagine trying to make a little money for college by guiding a hunter to some big horn.

Easier said than done when a sudden twist occurs. An old prospector,.358 magnum shot to the forehead, dead instantly. In an effort get the old man to the jeep to report the accident, Ben finds himself naked and walking through the desert, hunted by a madman. Any chance at food or water is denied by Madec. My favorite part of the book is the end. If you like thrill-seeking, adventurous, mystery books, then I Imagine trying to make a little money for college by guiding a hunter to some big horn. Easier said than done when a sudden twist occurs.

An old prospector,.358 magnum shot to the forehead, dead instantly. In an effort get the old man to the jeep to report the accident, Ben finds himself naked and walking through the desert, hunted by a madman.

Any chance at food or water is denied by Madec. My favorite part of the book is the end. If you like thrill-seeking, adventurous, mystery books, then I would recommend this book to you. Robb White was partnered with gimmick horror film king William Castle during Castle's most popular and productive period.

Born in the Philippines, White was a preacher's son who held a wide variety of jobs before landing in the Navy during World War II. He initially collaborated with Castle on the short-lived TV series 'Men of Annapolis' (1957), then joined forces with the enterprising producer-di Robb White was partnered with gimmick horror film king William Castle during Castle's most popular and productive period. Born in the Philippines, White was a preacher's son who held a wide variety of jobs before landing in the Navy during World War II. He initially collaborated with Castle on the short-lived TV series 'Men of Annapolis' (1957), then joined forces with the enterprising producer-director on the horror thrillers 'Macabre' (1958), 'House on Haunted Hill' (1959), 'The Tingler' (1959), 'Homicidal' (1961), and '13 Ghosts' (1960).

He later went back to TV writing, including 'Perry Mason' (1957), as well as novels.

x 'We are on a classified mission for the Inquisition.”'Greeting Space Marine. This is Captain Wolf of the warship Burning Fist. We are on a classified mission on behalf of the Inquisition.

Our mission concerns the facility you are currently occupying. May I ask your identity?' The marine seems to grin as you identify yourself, He nods and responds. 'Welcome little wolf.

I am Skard Windhowl of Fenris. Like you I am obliged to my masters in the Inquisition. Your codes are valid and my own orders will not interfere with yours unless you chose to tarry in this system overlong. I welcome you to Watchstation Morrigan, though you may find our hospitality somewhat lacking.' There are five astartes on the station, a varied group in their black and silver armour marked with Inquisition symbols. They are Deathwatch, elite xeno hunters chosen from the best the astartes have to offer.

Skard, technically Watch-Captain Skard is welcoming inviting you and your senior officers aboard for a feast, 'Or at least the closest to a feast the pitiful rations on this barren rock can provide.' He arranges for servitors to collect the auspex records and deliver them to the ship. Skard insists on sharing stories with 'the Wolf Pup,' a name he insists on calling you. The Watch-Captain congratulates you on the liberation of the captives from the ork station and nods when you share what you discovered there.' The Deathwatch knows of Mugnut. We've been tracking that one for a decade but every time we think we have him trapped the greasy argr he slips free.

I would love to be there to finally put a bolt round through his skull.' Skard hands you a datafax 'Your information matches what my own scouts have observed. Increased ork activity across the sector and beyond. Mugnut has begun recruiting for some new Waagh! And is building ships and hardware. Something has roused the greenskins across the entire segmentum. Take this information and what the stations augurs have gathered to your command.

Have them prepare for action. I suspect it will not be long before we see a new threat rise. Oh, and if you discover whereabouts of Mugnut have your astropaths send the message you will find in that pad. The Deathwatch will be there to aid you in your hunt.' With the information secured aboard the cruiser and nursing your hangover (turns out Fenrisian ale is potent stuff) you depart the system.

You consider whether to follow the unknown Inquisitors instructions and purge the navigation data from your records. The information would be useful should you need to return here or contact the Deathwatch and it is unlikely the Inquisition would discover the deception, but it is not impossible. Purge data (will cost 3VP) Keep the data, damn the risksThe information you have is important and you could return to command now. However you have technically not completed your mission yet. Return to command mission technically incomplete. Evrics World.

Imperial frontier world. Basically flying the flag and picking up any rumours.

Aido. A debris field. An abandoned AdMech mining operation is known to have been in the area. Records indicate unusually high auspex distortion. Malars Folly. Barren world.

Site of a naval engagement during Waagh Belbreak. Possible scavenger activity based on recent reports. High likelyhood of ork encounters. Three Hollows. Last patrol detected ork activity on asteroids in the area.

Possible ork Roks Tumble Down shoal. Ork infested workd. Likely to give high value intel. Return to Hovind Station.

You may be able to ambush that ork kroozer. Hovind Station. Abandoned Imperial naval post. Investigate if it's still intact for possible use as a staging post.

(at Ordo Xeno request) Tevlev. An abandoned system. Recover records from Inquisitorial facility. Delete sensor records after.Current score:Scan complete; Tevlev- 7VPDeathwatch datafax - 2VPTotal score: 26VPAdded Deathwatch Contact Codes.OOC notes: You got a bonus with the space wolf due to your name.

That and your heroic stories got you a boon from the Deathwatch. About that.X Purge data (will cost 3VP)X Evrics World. Imperial frontier world.

Basically flying the flag and picking up any rumours.You command the Adepts to perform a level 3 purge of cogitator memory as per instructions, watching as the infovores devour entire tracts of of the databanks. You then clear your own personal records, destroying 3 physical charts and removing several pages of your log, carefully tearing out the parchment and burning them. It's frustrating to destroy potentially useful records but it is likely worth it so as not to anger the Inquisitors. ​It's the mid watch when you are woken, a little before 0300 ship time.

Your steward, Diego wakes you up with a large mug of recaf, your jacket and an urgent message from the astropathic choir. They've received a desperate cry for help, Evrics World is under assault. An ork fleet in orbit, the planets void defences are rapidly being overwhelmed.

The PDF fighters are already battling fighter-bombers in Evrics atmosphere and the first ork landers have been spotted. The planets governor is calling for aid from any Imperial forces in range. You order the ships astropaths relay the message to ensure it reaches its destination and for Navigators Virepite to make best speed for the system.It takes 2 more days to reach the system. It doesn't take long for the auspex to detect the orks, a pair of kroozers and and half a dozen raiders alongside 8 bulk transports. The xeno fleet seems to be split in two, one of the kroozers and most of the raiders are scattered throughout the system chasing down Imperial transports, haulers and other small ships and looting a trio of mining bases and void stations. The second kroozer, (a probe confirms this one to be one of the fighter carrying Terror Ships) and a pair of escorts are directly supporting the planetary assault and guarding the troop transports.

Fortunately there seems to be little coordination between the groups. While you are certain they have detected you they do not make any move to intercept your ship or your escorts.You manage to establish contact with the planets deputy governor (the governor is busy rallying the PDF) using a probe as a relay. The planet expects reinforcements within 9 months and expect to be able to hold on at least that long as long as the orks do not receive any reinforcements. However if the orks retain control of the planets orbit the damage to the planet and the civilian losses are likely to be very high. The leader of the ork forces seems to be called Noghaz. There's no sign of Mugnut.You consider your options. 1 on 1 the Burning Fist is more than a match for either of the ork kroozers, though it is likely the Fist would take some damage in the exchange.

Taking on both at the same time is a dangerous prospect and would likely leave you either a wreck or retreating with heavy damage. Even taking the two ships on in sequence is likely to leave the Fist with significant damage. Similarly Copper squadron would take out any equal number of ork raiders, possibly with some losses but would be overwhelmed if the orks mass their forces.The safest path would be to hunt down ork ships one at a time, bringing your concentrated force against just a fraction of their fleet and slowly whittling them down, falling back to the outer system whenever they mass a force that could overwhelm your squadron. However, should the orks organize your small force would be rendered impotent and even if successful you'd be able to offer little to no aid to Evrics World itself.

They'd need to simply weather the attacks and the orbital bombardments.You could aim straight for the ork force over the Imperial world, drive them off and maybe destroy them. It is unlikely you will be in time to stop the remaining ork forces from landing, but you can at least stop them from receiving orbital support. You'd also be in position to prevent any ork reinforcements from arriving, could provide your own orbital fire and even direct support the ground troops with your armsmen and the Elysian survivors. At least those well enough to fight. The downside is that it'll force you into a position where the orks know exactly where you are, forcing you to fight with your backs to the planets gravity well, a tactically disadvantageous position.You could try to combine the plan.

Blitz the ork ships at Evrics World but make no attempt to hold orbit. Instead begin harassing the orks in the rest of the system and draw their attention.

If this works you may be able to draw the entire fleet away using your own ship as bait. Of course this means the entire ork fleet will be after you so the risks of destruction are significantly increased. Also the odds of actually destroying an ork ship would be reduced.While there is some dishonour in retreating from a foe without even trading a single shot in anger you could do plenty of good by doing so. You carry important intelligence, a large number of injured and weak survivors from the ork mines and could speed the arrival of a relief force.There would be little dishonour and some tactical sense in departing, seeking additional forces with which to relieve the planet.

You would likely be able to speed relief forces arrival and at the same time could deliver the important intel you are carrying and offload the survivors.These seem the obvious routes, though others are possible.What is your plan? Hunt and destroy. Take out isolated enemy ships and disrupt operations in the outer system. Secure the planet. Drive the ork ships from Everics World orbit and provide fire support. Play bait.

Draw the orks away by making them chase you. Fetch help. There's little you can do here now.

At least not without help.p.s. The Deathwatch would know what's going on.Previous score score: 26VPDeleted records- -3VPScan complete; Evrics World- 7VPCurrent score: 30VP.