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.' I hope you're doing well out there Clay. Not sure where you are but I trust that the COG will get this letter to you safely. I know that you'll be excited for me, but it'd be great to hear from you before I ship out.I just wish Anthony was still here bro. I really miss him. I take comfort knowing he died a hero, but still. I miss him, as I'm sure you do too.

Well, you know I'm not that good at letters, so I'll keep this short. Hope you're doing well, big brother, and know that I'll be doing my very best to serve our country and make you and our family proud.Your little brother AKA the Squirt, Ben'—Ben’s letter to his older brother, retrieved byPrivate Benjamin Carmine (COG tags CSID 83B186-22AO3-SF), or Rook by his squad mates and Squirt by his brothers, was the brother of, and an. He served as a soldier in the and joined, which had previously been Anthony's squad, after completing his training, and was further trained by Sgt. He fought in the opening stages of, until his tragic death inside the. Contents Biography Early LifeBenjamin Carmine was one of the four brothers, and joined the along with them. As a child he had a love for fire. His brother was killed during the, and the Carmine family regarded him as a hero for his role in the Offensive.

His other two brothers, and an, were also actively serving the COG.Ben fumbles with his Lancer as he reports for duty. Locust War Siege of Jacinto Training Under Delta ' Sergeant Fenix? Are you Sergeant Fenix? I'm your new Trainee!'

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—Ben, when meeting Marcus before starting his trainingAfter Ben finished training at the academy, he was assigned to before as Sgt. 's new trainee. He flew on a along with several other Gears to, and was dropped off outside the hospital. As he reported to Marcus outside of, he dropped his on his foot, and Lt. Commented that he was 'green as grass'. Marcus and Cpl. Decided to take Ben training, leading him to an alley behind the hospital, where they taught him how to use the, the, how to reload and aim, and how to toss a correctly.

As they trained, Dom offered his sympathy to Ben about his brother Anthony, whom Dom had served with when he was killed. Ben thanked him, and told him he was just glad that his brother had died a hero. They spotted several during the patrol, which Ben called the 'monkey-dogs'.Marcus threw a grenade in the garage to kill any potential Wretches; Ben soon followed, claiming that he had seen the monkey-dogs again. However, Ben did not throw his grenade high enough, and it bounced back, nearly killing the three of them. Marcus was irritated by Ben's incompetence, and threatened to give him a 'unexpected' lesson in chainsaw training if he tried something like that again.After they scouted the building that the Wretches had been in and found nothing, they returned to the hospital to complete their patrol. They spotted several Ravens overhead heading somewhere very quickly, and Marcus ordered Ben to stay at the drop off point until called on his radio while they checked out what was going on.Ben trying to get a high five from Tai after being congratulated by Marcus. Raid On Jacinto Med ' Area I was guarding got too hot, Sergeant!

These Gears rounded me up to fight, sir!' —Ben, to Marcus after he asked him why he was in the hospitalShortly after Marcus and Dom left, Jacinto Med was by and another squad of Gears rounded up Ben to help them fight to protect the hospital. During the battle, he had trouble reloading, and took cover inside the building's entrance to get his gun working correctly. He was found there by Marcus, Dom and Cpl. He explained the situation to Marcus, while Marcus fixed Ben's gun, then they all headed outside, assisting the other Gears in fighting off the Locust that were attacking the hospital, forcing the Locust back from the entrance and down the street, where the Locust retreated once air support arrived. After the battle, Marcus told Ben that he did a good job. He was happy about being congratulated by Marcus, and tried, unsuccessfully, to get a high-five from Tai.

Anya then came over the communication screen of and informed Dom that her lead on his had gone cold. Dom lost control, smashing a car with his Lancer, and he asked the rest of Delta Squad to leave him by himself for the time being to collect himself. Ben followed Marcus and Tai away to give Dom the time he needed.Ben aboard a King Raven while on the way to the for Operation: Hollow Storm.

Operation: Hollow Storm Battle of Stromson Forest ' Heard there's a shitload of Grubs there Sergeant!' —Ben, referring to Landown, the first target of Operation: Hollow StormSoon after the attack on Jacinto Med, the COG began. Ben went with Marcus and Dom aboard a to the, asking them on the flight why they were heading to Landown for the assault, and why they couldn't dig through the ground in Jacinto.

Marcus explained to him that the ground was the one place the Locust couldn't dig through, and that Landown was the perfect spot to hit them on their own turf. Once they arrived at the staging grounds, they were assigned to the ', driven by Pvt. They defended the rig from multiple attacks from, and Locust foot soldiers on the long road to. Assault on LandownAfter they arrived at Landown, Ben and the rest of Delta, joined by Tai, whose had been destroyed by, escorted Dizzy and Betty through the city streets.

Ben saw several Tickers crawling through the street, and asked what they were, and Tai informed him that the Locust used them as landmines. After taking out a Locust base at a gas station, Delta reached a long dark tunnel. Ben wondered why they were not given flashlights for situations like this, and Tai told him 'might versus light'.

Mlb 2k12 pc keygen crack. Ben asked him what that meant, and Tai told him that he preferred having an extra gun over a flashlight any day. After escorting Betty through the tunnel and killing the Tickers infesting it, the rig was pinned by at the exit. Ben went with Marcus to secure one side of a street while Dom and Tai took the other, taking out the Locust mortar positions and a. They arrived at the drill zone, a cemetery honoring those who fought in the, without further incident.

Ben and the others defended the Rig while Dizzy prepared their for dispatch, but just when they were about to dig into the, attacked. Ben, Marcus, and Dom were already secured in their lifts, but Tai jumped out of his and Ben's lift to help Dizzy hold off Skorge.

The pods then revved up, with Ben, Marcus, and Dom unable to unlock their lifts to help Dizzy and Tai, and the three Gears descended into the Hollow, leaving them behind.Ben freaking out over seeing the Riftworm. Assault on the Inner Hollow ' Uh, Sarge. Do you really think we're gonna see the surface again?' '—Ben, asking Marcus if he thought Delta would make it out of the HollowUpon landing, Ben discovered his pod had gone off-course. He linked up with, and managed to contact Marcus and Dom, who told him to stay put, and that they were coming to get him. However, Ben and Echo-Five were attacked by a large group of Locust, and all of Echo-Five was killed, leaving Ben to fend for himself and hold off the attacking Locust.

Ben was saved when Marcus and Dom showed up and helped him kill the attacking Locust. They then defended JACK from more Locust as he worked on fixing a nearby Grindlift to make their escape.After successfully eradicating the Locust, they fired up the Grindlift to dig a tunnel through a wall. When Dom complained about all of the dust, Ben suggested he wear a helmet so he wouldn't have to breathe it in. Dom, annoyed, pointed out that he wouldn't be able to see snipers so well then, discreetly referring to how Ben's brother was killed during the Lightmass Offensive. Ben, unaware of what Dom was implying, did not catch on and Marcus told Dom to cool down before he said anything else. They then proceeded through the tunnel, and assisted in fighting off a Locust attack. After leaving Omega, they continued through the Hollow, soon encountering a, and were informed by Anya that the creatures were immune to standard weapon-fire because of their rock-hard skin.

Ben tested this out by firing on it a few times, and saw it didn't even pay any attention to him. Soon after, they destroyed a Locust staging area and a. Shortly after assisting, Ben had a brief conversation with the others on where they thought the Locust came from, and offered different theories. He soon got some hints to his questions when they found a carved doorway, guarded by a monk several Drones and Tickers. After fighting through another Locust position, they came across a large cavern, where Skorge, mounted on his, appeared and began chanting.

Skorge and his Hydra then flew off, followed by the gigantic, the source of the mysterious seismic activity. Ben was visibly horrified by the sight of this gigantic worm, exclaiming 'Holy shit!' Numerous times while Marcus was informing Anya of what they just saw. Anya then informed Marcus that the city of had just been sunk right at their position.Ben fighting in the Ilima sinkhole. Battle of the Ilima Sinkhole ' I can't believe they did that to Tai.

He survives everything, doesn't he?' —Ben, horrified after Tai commits suicideAfter through the sunken city, and encountering some Stranded survivors, they were ambushed at the crash site of. When the Locust came close to overwhelming them, Pvt. Arrived and rescued them, and joined the squad. They then worked their way toward Cole's two remaining squadmates', Cpl.

And, last known location. They found Tanner dead, and Baird trapped in a Locust holding pod. They released him and learned that the Locust were capturing and their prisoners on. The five Gears then boarded a Torture Barge to free any COG prisoners. When they reached the holding center, they found Tai in a holding cell, badly tortured and wounded. They let him out, but he committed suicide with a that Marcus handed him, being unable to stand the torture that had been inflicted upon him.

Benjamin stared in shock at Tai's body, and couldn't believe what the Locust had done to drive Tai to such a point. After collecting Tai's, the five of them then fought their way to the extraction point on top of a decaying building deeper in the Ilima sinkhole. As Delta Squad waited for the King Raven, they were attacked by many Locust soldiers. When the chopper arrived, Ben covered Delta's retreat and was shot in the shoulder. He fell against the chopper and was pulled in by the rest of the squad. As Ben lay on the chopper's floor, he revealed that the bullet that hit him did not pierce his COG armor.

As he cheered that they had made it, the helicopter was hit by flying rubble from the approaching Riftworm, and the King Raven began spinning out of control. Ben, unable to grab a hold of something, plummeted into the creature's mouth, screaming in terror. The Raven and the rest of Delta Squad was also pulled inside the monster's mouth and was now also trapped inside the beast. The rest of Delta then began searching for Ben and a way out.Ben's death inside the Rift Worm. Death ' Sarge? I hurt Sarge. Tell my brothers.

Tell 'em I love 'em, and.and.' —Ben's last wordsBen survived his fall, but was attacked by, which overwhelmed him and knocked him to the ground. They began dragging him across acidic spikes on the stomach of the Riftworm and badly wounded him as he tried to fight them off. The rest of Delta arrived and chased off the parasites, but Ben's chest was burned to the bone by the corrosive acid.

Before succumbing to his wounds, he spoke to Marcus, asking him to tell his brothers and his mom that he loved them, as well as something else, but Ben died from his horrific wounds, unable to finish his final words. Marcus collected his, and a letter that he had written to his brother, to deliver both to Carmine's family.

Delta was forced to abandon Ben's body as a debris wall inside the Riftworm began to close in on them.Ben appearing in Marcus's dream. Legacy ' I've spent enough time with the Sarge to know exactly who this helmet belongs to - Ben Carmine; Sarge's little brother. He used to talk about him all the time. Said he did more fighting on the first day than a lot of Gears did in a year.

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I should get this helmet back to him.' —Del, upon finding Ben's helmet in.When Sgt. Was rescued from the, Marcus gave her a head count of the casualties. Ben was among those he mentioned. Like his brother, Anthony, he would be viewed as a hero for his sacrifice for the COG. Marcus also seemed affected by his death, as he had promised Ben that they would see the surface again while they were inside the Hollow just before entering Ilima City. Sometime after the Sinking of Jacinto Marcus gave the letter and COG tags he had picked up from Ben's body to his older brother.

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