Sierra Games Evil Genius Mods

The Evil Genius replied to danund's topic in Skyrim Adult Mods My ideal mod would be to utilize the inflatable plugs from Devious Devices more in game. This would consist of penalties for being caught and pumped up, as well as belly inflation of the character.

Evil Genius – Evil Co. Overhaul ModDescriptionThe overhaul is a compilation of files and tweaks that was created over time as I implemented more and more mods into evil genius to fitmy needs and imagination.

The final iteration of all my mods were gathered into one, balanced for gameplay, andreadied for download. Below is a detailed version notes on what exactly thismod does.Version Notes- All Henchmen and Minions given two outfits;outfits changed when moving to new islandBalancing Spreadsheets. Maximilian Avatar Boost: Increase the area of influence around Maximilian and doubles stat boosts to nearby minions and henchmen.

Dangerous Henchmen Boost: Henchmen are now a force to be reckoned with.

This simple modification to a file called 'Population.ini' will allow you to change the limit of your minions from a maximum of 100 up to 500 minions. I remember this being especially helpful when I last played this great game years ago.All of this info is copy pasted from a very excellent and thankfully still-existing Evil Planet which is a website dedicated to Evil Genius.

Sierra Games Evil Genius Mods Pc

Evil genius 2

Unconsidered: So wait, first you go to the system files and erase then copy and paste to the desktop. Then you can make the actually changes to the program files?

Evil genius mods

Yeah, you can't edit and save the changes to the file (Population.ini) while it's still in a sub-directory of Program Files. It's like anything in that folder tree are set to Read Only.The easy way around this would be Cut and Paste the file (Population) to somewhere else that you can easily access, so for me, that's the Desktop.Once it's on the Desktop, open with Notepad, make the edits, then Save and close.Cut and Paste the file back to it's proper and original location in the Evil Genius folder.DynamicResourcesConfigHope that this helps clarify. These instructions are outdated. I added the correct instructions here.You only need to change MaxPopulation. PopulationEntry does something else.You can up delete all the PopulationEntry lines if you want to. PopulationEntry controls what your minion capacity is set to after you complete enough acts of infamy, here's the correct format.PopulationEntry = MissionsToComplete, NewPopulationCapacityBy doing PopulationEntry = 500, 500 you told the game that you want to complete 500 missions, once you do that, your population capacity is set to 500.If you want 500 minions, only change MaxPopulation to 500.

Anything else is useless.