Empire Earth Art Of Conquest Itazura

Empire Earth:The Art of Conquest PC Box cover. Empire Earth: The Art of Conquest is the official expansion pack for the real-time strategy game Empire Earth. Art of Conquest was developed by Mad Doc Software, and was released on 17 September 2002 in the United States. The game was released in Europe later in the year, and the following year in Japan.

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Empire Earth: The Art of Conquest is the official expansion pack for the real-time strategy game Empire Earth. Art of Conquest was developed by Mad Doc Software, and was released on 17 September 2002 in the United States. The game was released in Europe later in the year, and the following year in Japan. The Gold Edition of Empire Earth, which features both the original and the expansion, was released on 6 May 2003. Empire Earth: The Art of Conquest TrailerArt of Conquest added several new features to the original Empire Earth, including new units, new civilizations (Japan and Korea), civilization powers, and new hero units.

Art of Conquest also features three new campaigns: Ancient Rome, World War II, and 24th Century Mars. GameplayThe gameplay in Art of Conquest is the same as in the original Empire Earth, albeit with some changes. Variable difficulty has been added to those scenarios which had not received it in a patch of the original Empire Earth. Online multiplayer capabilities has been added, allowing players to play online with up to 7 other players either over the internet via a lobby system, or over a local area network (LAN).The new Space Age (Epoch XV) allows the building of spaceports and spaceships on maps that allow it. Robots replace Citizens in the Nano Age and infantry in the Space Age (these robots are known as Watchmen).

Nano age Farms are run by robots, and by the Space Age farms no longer need citizens to manage them.Each civilization has its own power, or “Civ Power”. Often, these powers are only available during certain epochs.

A Civ Power gives each nation a specialty: the Chinese, for example, have the “just-in-time manufacturing” ability; while the Japanese have the powerful “cyber ninja” ability.Empire Earth supports multiplayer games over LAN connections and online. Multiplayer games are identical in form to single player games. Art of Conquest multiplayer play has many exploits, which players can use to give themselves an unfair advantage.

The game’s publisher, Vivendi Games, has set up forums where players can report exploits.

Last year Rick Goodman wowed us all with the original Empire Earth. Based on the concepts shaped and refined by Ensemble's superlative Age of Empires series, Empire Earth combined loads of detail and interest on one of the most massive scales yet seen in a strategy game. Players could fight through all ages of history, from the tribal wars of cavemen to the high-tech, long-range warfare of gigantic, futuristic battledroids.The Age of Empires core is still one of the most solid approaches to this particular brand of real-time strategy and thankfully changes none of the fundamentals that made Empire Earth so engaging to begin with.

But that's not to say that the expansion (developed by MadDoc rather than Stainless Steel this time around) doesn't differ in a few particulars. The campaigns this time around are a bit more localized in time and place. For me, that's a bit of a shame. While it allows for a much tighter story, the point of Empire Earth was never to replicate a single campaign in detail.

Rather, the first game allowed you to get a taste of the breadth of a particular civilization's accomplishments. Moving from the Trojan War to Alexander's victory over the Persians, or from Hastings to Waterloo, really gave the first game an epic sweep that's less apparent here. I, for one, didn't mind the fact that the first game generalized a bit. By painting with a broad stroke, the developers we freed up to simulate over three millennia of warfare with admirable consistency. This approach was as visible in the overall arc of the campaigns as well as in the individual missions.

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The missions aren't meant to simulate the reality of historical battles in terms of geography and story but rather to convey the impression of these fights and the land around. The epic scope of the game is supported by the huge maps, most of which challenge you to defeat several opponents at once. Being an expansion, I can completely agree with the developers' decision to let you hit the ground running in the campaigns.

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There are no easy, over-the-plate missions to ease you in, which means that those of us who are good at the game get that much more of a challenge. First up is the Roman campaign, so sorely missed in the original game. You'll finally get the chance to lead legions against some of Rome's greatest enemies (including other Romans). Again, this campaign seems too narrow in focus, running merely from Marius' reforms to Caesar's seizure of power.

It's an endlessly interesting century (and my main concentration in college) but it's unfortunate that the team didn't broaden the scope a bit to include such empire-defining conflicts as Scipio's conflict with Hannibal in the Punic War or battles like those of the Milvian Bridge or Adrianople. After the Roman campaign, comes the Pacific campaign.

(You can play the campaigns in any order; they're listed here in chronological order merely for convenience.) You'll take on the part of the Allied forces as they hop from island to island pushing the Japanese back towards their homeland. These missions, beginning with Midway are predictably sea-oriented, with transport ships ferrying your ground forces from one island to the next. This one is the most compacted in time, covering just the few years of fighting in the Pacific. At least in the German campaign from the original Empire Earth you went from World War I to World War II, experiencing and adapting to changes in technology. Here things are too static to be as engaging. Finally there's the new Asian Space campaign wherein the player pushes his civilization on to Mars.

A slightly ambiguous Asian force is tasked with getting their civilization to the stars, an objective that the competing civilizations share. While this campaign seems to focus on a war between competing colonies in space, only the last three missions bother to include space as a terrain feature and, of these, only the last one features any significant space combat. The Space epoch opens up new units and allows use of the game's new space terrain. Unfortunately the concept of space merely replaces the concept of water, with the vast void between planets merely standing in for the oceans that separate land masses on other maps.

The star map underlying the space terrain doesn't shift along with your view of the map which can make scrolling through the vast distances between ships and planets a hateful and confusing affair. Likewise, the three space units - carriers, corvettes and capital ships - follow the same 'rock, paper, scissors' approach of galleys, frigates and battleships. The carriers are distinct in being able to build and launch fighters but more centralized command of the fighters would have gone a long way to making the new unit a lot more useful. Instead, it can take too long to locate and reorder each of your fighters. Still, as the fighters themselves are the only unit that can travel both in space and over land, they have a tactical versatility that's hard to beat. Too bad they don't seem to know how to hit moving targets.


While the three new campaigns are each fun in their own way there are still several directions I'd rather have seen the series go. Instead of adding yet another World War Two conflict, how about giving us something new? An American campaign running from colonization to independence would be ideal. But even that shares a timeline with the English campaign from the original game. If you truly wanted to offer gamers something new, then why not pick something from the 1000 years of history between the fall of the Roman Republic and the Battle of Hastings?